Home // Admissions
Our Homes
Our Residential homes for people with disabilities and autism in Pennsylvania and Delaware are staffed 24/7 with the provided level of supervision and support that each individual requires.
Some of our homes are highly structured with person centered daily schedules for those that benefit from this environment. Other homes are very flexible with the daily activities being chosen by the residents based on what they desire to accomplish on that day. Our programs for adults with intellectual disabilities, autism and behavioral health challenges for in Pennsylvania and Delaware are designed to meet the needs and desires of each individual.
Our Individuals
The individuals we have the pleasure of supporting have a broad range of needs. From supervision while cooking and medication management to full support with Activities of Daily Living our Direct Support Professionals are there to provide whatever support is needed.
Our programs for adults with intellectual disabilities, autism and behavioral health challenges in Pennsylvania and Delaware are developed using person-centered planning. Person-centered planning (PCP) is a process for selecting and organizing the services and supports that a person with a disability may need to live in the community. It is a process that is directed by the person who receives the support. PCP is accepted as an evidence-based practice in many countries throughout the world.
Make a Referral
Our multi-disciplinary Referral and Admissions Committee includes members of our Nursing, Behavioral Supports, Fiscal, Operations, Residential, Human Resources, Facilities, and Admissions teams and review every referral sent to Community Interactions.
We are always accepting new referrals to our programs for adults with intellectual disabilities, autism and behavioral health challenges in Pennsylvania and Delaware, so please reach out to admissions at 610-328-9008 ext. 171 for more information. You can also click here to initiate a referral and securely upload the individuals ISP. We are looking forward to meeting you and extending our CI family!